Saturday, November 25, 2006

Tales from the Black Hole - 11/25/06

We return again with Tales from THE BLACK HOLE OF DES MOINES, the strange vortex between the borders of Iowa that renders time meaningless.

Life inside the hole isn't as strange as most people think. On the contrary, if there is any such thing as "normal," it might be found inside THE BLACK HOLE OF DES MOINES. People work, they play, the love, they hate, they raise families and attend their children's soccer games.

To the outsider, however, there is a notable difference, one which you must dig in order to find. While time seems to flow normally for those inside THE BLACK HOLE OF DES MOINES, most everything dealing with time travel is widly askew. For example, if you were to watch "Back to the Future" inside THE BLACK HOLE OF DES MOINES, you would see nothing but Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd staring into the camera for two hours. Needless to say, residents of towns like Iowa City and Cedar Rapids wonder why the movie is considered a popular classic.

The group also shares the opinion on "Land of the Lost," "Star Crash" and about 1/3 of every "Star Trek" series.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Gentlemen, what have we done...

Remember: What happens in the hole, stays in the hole. Forever.